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Our Classes
Crochet 3 - Advanced Crochet
with Meghanne Jennings

This is a new course for Community Education and offers you a jam packed good time as you turn what you have learned into a project.
Dates: Mondays May 5, May 12 and May 19
Time: 5pm-7pm
$50 Materials included
UV Gel Nails 101
with Meghanne Jennings

Want to learn the basics of UV Gel Nails? Join us on a 2 part series to learn how!
Dates: May 6th and May 13th
Times: 5:00pm-7:00pm
*Kit is provided!!
Subaru Tour

Back by popular demand!!!
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to observe award-winning automotive assembly in action! Your guided tour will give you the chance to witness our impressive facility and see Subaru vehicle production from start to finish. Tours of SIA highlight the Stamping processes, where you will observe giant presses turning raw coils of steel into the vehicle's metal structure. From there, you will see these panels expertly welded together by over 1,671 robots in our Body Assembly area. Following the Paint Shop, you will see Associates bring the vehicles to life as they assemble over 2,000 parts into and onto each vehicle in Trim and Final. Finally, viewing our Tester Line will prove our commitment to quality and safety. Ultimately, you will see what makes a Subaru a Subaru.
Lunch & Learn - Footprints of Those Colorful Vikings
with Shirley Splittstosser

Vikings were the terror of Europe around the year 1,000 AD. Visit their homelandof Norway, Denmark, and Sweden with trips to areas they raided. York, England has apopular tourist destination of a recreated Viking village at the time Vikings controlledEngland. Along with their travels, we will learn why they started raiding and catch upwith why they stopped. Did you know William, Duke of Normandy was a Viking? Thecurrent king of England has some Viking blood. Danville Highschool's mascot is theVikings for both the boys' and girls' teams.
Tuesday, May 13th
Fused Art Glass
with Lily Siu

Glass projects featuring a multi-colored pattern achieved by fusing together variously colored canes, rods, strips, or squares of glass.
Perfect for groups.
Time: 4-6:30pm
Ceramic Series - Pet Portraits
with Lily Siu

Bring your bestie and create beautiful pieces as Lily Siu walks you through this wonderful form of design art of ceramics!
Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm
Explore Crawfordsville
with Kaylee Learnard

Back by popular demand!!!
Take trip back to Crawfordsville IN to the Rotary Jail Museum! The first of 18 rotary jails built, and 1 of only 3 left standing, this unique structure is the only rotary jail in existence that is still operational. After the museum we will enjoy the Crawfordsville Downtown.
Date: May 22nd